15 Companion Peony Plants

Let’s look at a list of 15 peony companion plants, from evergreen ground covers to maples!

1. Chimes


Bluebells or grape hyacinth bloom in early spring and are hardy in USDA zones 4 through 8. As their name implies, these beauties are known for their bell-shaped crystal blue flowers, but some varieties have white, lavender, pink or yellow flowers.

Regardless of color, they all have the same shape. The plant is small, with a height of 6 to 9 inches and a spread of 3 to 6 inches. Then it will be a nice eye-catcher under the peonies.

That’s good news because snowdrops handle both sun and shade well. They also don’t mind most neutral soil types, but you will need to reduce the frequency of watering after flowering.

2. Narcissus


Daffodils (better known as daffodils) and peonies have been a classic combination for centuries; They are even immortalized in art!

We’d also say it’s a beginner-friendly choice; The flower only needs well-drained soil and regular watering during the growing season.

The flowers of the common daffodil are white and yellow, but you can also get them in orange and pink.

Sometimes daffodils bloom earlier than their peers, starting in late winter. Then, just as the daffodil foliage fades, the peonies should begin their own bloom and steal the show.

3. Black-eyed Susan


Black-eyed Susan is a short-lived perennial that shares the peony’s cold hardiness (zones 3 to 9), water needs (one inch per week), and sun-loving nature.

Once you check those boxes, you’ll get a bloom of yellow, orange, or red daisy-like flowers all summer and fall.

The plant is as tall as the peony, or perhaps a little shorter, with an average height of 2 to 3 feet. So keep this in mind when you’re planting, which you should do from mid-spring to early fall.

4. Garden Phlox


Garden phlox is a great companion if you are looking for a summer flower that works as a background but still adds a burst of color. Whether lilac or white, the flowers complement pink and white peonies perfectly!

For best results, transplant an established phlox to a location with neutral soil and full sun. The growing season is the right time to do it.

The trick here is that you will want to keep the phlox and its friend away from fences or any areas with poor air circulation. This is because the species is susceptible to powdery mildew.

5. camellia


Like the peony, the camellia is a long-lived flowering plant suitable for beginners. Give it two waterings a week, rich soil and the occasional drop, and it will reward you with beautiful flowers (white, pink, red and yellow) that last from fall to mid-spring.

It is hardy in zones 7 to 9 and some varieties can grow up to 10 feet. However, they take their time to mature.

Pictures aside, camellia bushes can provide structural support for fragile peonies. Plus, the evergreen foliage means you won’t be left with an empty spot when the flowers fade.

The problem is that camellias prefer dappled shade. Then a canopy might come in handy.

6. foxglove


One way to offset peonies’ puff-shaped blooms is to choose a companion with interesting shapes. The tall spiked foxglove bearing bell-shaped summer flowers is a great example!

Pink and purple foxgloves are the best choices, but there are also yellow, white, and red cultivars. We also recommend opting for nursery plants rather than growing them from seeds.

Foxgloves grow as biennials in zones 4 to 10 and thrive in rich but slightly acidic soil. Just don’t let the pH drop below 6.5. This way you will keep both the foxgloves and the peonies happy.

7. Sage


If you liked the way foxglove tips blend with round peonies, you’ll probably love the popular sage varieties as alternative companions.

You can opt for common sage (Salvia officinalis) with violet-blue summer flowers. Alternatively, scarlet red sage can highlight white peonies. Some varieties are short, while others can grow up to 5 feet.

Regardless of which color scheme you choose, you’ll want to plant sage in the spring. Your chances are best if you choose a location that receives at least 6 hours of direct sun.

8. Bearded iris


Bearded lilies and peonies make a fantastic spring border. For one thing, they are both almost the same height and flower together. Plus, the visual balance between the curly blue iris flowers and the delicate white and coral peonies is perfect.

In terms of care, both plants share the same cold resistance, preferring rich, neutral soils and do not adapt well to shade.

Most irises will work in this case, but we found that the bushy look of the bearded iris takes things to the next level. Either way, most lilies are best planted from late summer to early fall.

9. echinacea


A mid-summer bloom of purple coneflowers can pair nicely with pink peonies, but you can also choose orange, yellow, white, or even red varieties of coneflowers.

Most of these varieties are hardy in zones 3 to 9. Additionally, once established, they are fairly low maintenance and drought tolerant.

Ultimately, they do best when transplanted in spring and protected from high humidity.

Just keep in mind that coneflowers can grow up to 5 feet. Therefore, planting them next to peonies might be better than in front of them.

10. Black Barlow Columbine


Columbine flowers, in general, are splendid companions to peonies. They attract pollinators, are not demanding on the soil and have a classic and beautiful appearance. However, the stellata variety (commonly known as Black Barlow) caught our attention.

Picture this: a spring bed of delicate white peonies with a short (about 30-inch) shoot of dark plum blossoms. Wouldn’t that be something that would attract attention?

To ensure your black barlow thrives, sow the seeds in spring somewhere with full sun or partial shade. The plant will also benefit from rich soil, which peonies love!

11. Hardy Geranium


Just as its name implies, the hardy geranium is not a demanding plant. This follows from its minimum needs for water and light. The best you can offer is rich soil with adequate drainage.

For an evergreen ground cover, we recommend the Czakor or Ingwersen varieties. Both are hardy in zones 3 to 9 and produce pink flowers in late spring or early summer. However, Ingswersen stands out for its pine-scented leaves.

As a bonus, geraniums will help protect peonies from weeds.

12. Dalmatian Bellflower


Another ground cover to consider as a companion to peonies is the Dalmatian bellflower campanula.

The perennial snowdrop is easily seen when planted in spring. It only grows to a height of 3 to 6 inches, but spreads easily.

Additionally, the morning glory shares the light, soil and watering preferences of the peony. It is also hardy in zones 4 to 8. Other than a touch of compost, it does not need any fertilizer.

If all goes well, you should see small blue or purple flowers in late spring.

13. Baptism


Blue baptisia (false indigo) is a tall, perennial plant hardy in zones 3 to 9.

He is quite tall, with an average height of 4 to 5 feet. If you are in a hurry, you can grab an established plant from a nursery. Otherwise, you will have to wait 3 to 5 years for the plant to mature.

Either way, you’ll get small late spring to early summer flowers set on long spikes. This look contrasts nicely with large, round peonies.

What we like most about baptisia is its low maintenance. The most important task is to place supports to keep the plant upright.

14. Maple Paper Bark


If you’re willing to play the long game, paperbark maple is a wonderful companion.

The paperbark maple is a deciduous tree hardy to zones 4 to 8. Its main characteristics are the copper-colored peeling bark and trifoliate leaves. It can grow up to 30 feet tall, but only after about 20 years!

This long journey usually begins in spring, when the tree is planted in neutral to slightly acidic soil and the roots are kept moist during the first few growing seasons. After that, the maple practically takes care of itself; It does not need fertilizers or significant pruning.

When the tree is fully established, you can get a nice peony border nearby.

15. Snowdrop


The simple beauty of the snowdrop will not compete with the peony for attention.

It is a hardy perennial in zones 4 to 8 and is primarily used as a neutralizing border. In April, it enhances the garden’s aesthetics with fragrant white cup-shaped flowers. It’s not the kind of bland white, though; there is a core of yellow anthers in the middle.

While snowdrops are low-maintenance, they may require pruning and humus-rich soil. Additionally, you can propagate it by division in early spring.

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