10-Year-Old Cat Experiences a Bed for the First Time, and Her Heartwarming Reaction Will Melt You

The entire online community that has come across this video has been moved to tears! Watching this stray cat react to the comfort of a bed is enough to make a grown man cry.

Unfortunately, the ASPCA reports that over six million animals enter shelters each year, with approximately three million of them being cats.

black stray cat
Credit: TikTok

However, in the past 10 years, these numbers have decreased by about a million, and we hope they will continue to decline in the future.

Fortunately, many strays and shelter cats get a new chance at life. Such is the story of Happy Purr, a black former stray adopted by a kind lady named Lyn, who decided to make the most out of her golden years.

Lyn, her now-forever owner, explained that although Happy Purr was adopted some time ago, she had been abandoned twice since then. But now, this adorable senior kitty has finally found her forever home.

cat lying
Credit: TikTok

Lyn shared a video of Happy Purr reacting to a bed for the very first time, and it went viral almost immediately, racking up about 1.6 million views in no time.

It seemed like all the cat lovers on TikTok couldn’t help but respond to their video. The owner captioned it:

“POV: You rescued a 10-year-old stray cat & it’s her first time lying on a bed.”

Now you can see why this video leaves no one indifferent. The cat is initially hesitant, but she soon realizes just how comfy and soft the bed truly is. I believe that from this moment on, she’ll be enjoying the best naps every day.

stray cat lying on bed
Credit: TikTok

The moment she rests her head on the soft pillow, her eyes widen, and you can feel the calmness and safety radiating through your screen! It’s a heartwarming moment at its finest!

I believe she perfectly fits the name her owner gave her, “Happy.”

Lyn began feeding her the moment her neighbors told her a stray cat was hanging around their building and that she was “always hungry.”

rescued stray cat
Credit: TikTok

After feeding her for about a week, Lyn decided to try and win her trust. Before long, she adopted Happy, but it took some time for her to adjust to indoor life and having a home. As Lyn explained in an interview:

“She was yowling and meowing day and night because she couldn’t get used to being indoors.”

Even Lyn’s family was initially unsure about her taking in a stray like that, but as soon as they met Happy and saw her true personality, they were 100% on board with the idea.

photo of cat lying on bed
Credit: TikTok

Still, having spent so much time outside fighting for survival, indoor life can feel pretty boring for Happy. Sometimes, she cries to Lyn to take her out. She enjoys her walks outside, and Lyn feels it’s good for both of them.

Many people were touched by Happy’s story, and her reaction to being on a bed for the first time speaks volumes. There are over 4,000 comments from viewers who are tearing up and sharing their love for Happy and black cats in general.

rescued cat lying
Credit: TikTok

“Black cats are the most loving cats and it’s sad how much hate they get towards them I’m glad this baby found a safe home.”

Others shared some advice: “She’s so beautiful. Don’t be alarmed if she sleeps a lot the first few months. It’s pretty common for rescue babies.”

Lyn keeps sharing sweet moments with Happy online, making both their lives better and bringing joy to their followers. Feel free to follow them on TikTok to enjoy more of Happy’s adorable videos!

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