How Do Animals Achieve Extraordinary Camouflage?

  • 1. Grass frog
This species, also known as the southern bell frog, clings to the weeds around ponds.

2. Leaf-tailed gecko

It is difficult to spot this gecko because it blends into the tree trunk.

3. Stingray

A stingray in the Caribbean has come up with a clever way to evade predators.

4. Ghost crab

Can you spot the crab in there?

5. Praying Mantis

Which is the leaf, which is the insect?

6. Stick insects

Can you tell which is the stick insect?

7. Spotted Stingray

A venomous blue-ringed stingray awaits its prey.

8. Frog

It’s easy to miss this little frog relaxing on a tree trunk.

9. Butterfly

Some butterflies are very good at camouflage.

10. Wild goat

The desert rocks hide the fur of this ibex almost perfectly.

11. Moth

Geometric moths are known to be masters of disguise.

12. Green-headed gecko

A male gecko has a blue head but can tone down the color to match the rest of its body and blend into rocks when a predator is nearby.

13. Rabbit

An Arctic hare makes the most of the snow in Hudson Bay, Canada.

14. Partridge

The mottled feathers of the rock grouse blend delicately into the cranberry and rock bushes around it.

15. Leaf beetle

This bug is nothing more than a leaf.

16. Fish

This strange blenny fish fits in well with its surroundings.

17. Octopus

This octopus blends in very well with its coral reef home.

18. Flounder

A flounder mingles in the sand.

19. Grasshopper

Among the rotting autumn leaves, you would be hard pressed to spot this grasshopper.

20. Partridge

The snowy grouse’s winter plumage is specially adapted to its snowy surroundings.


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