Meaning and symbolic value of SAKURA Cherry Blossoms

Nature in general and plants in particular – especially flowers – all have meanings that help us understand more about the world around us. Flowers are an important part of human life as well as cultures and countries. It is impossible to imagine important festivals and events without flowers appearing. Even though the world has entered the 4.0 era, this importance is still there and people still rely on flowers to express their deepest emotions. The appearance of flowers helps us convey an important message to the person we love – in a much gentler and more uplifting way than any gift we can think of, that is, why they remain our loyal companions.


Every year, villages, towns and cities across Japan warmly welcome spring with cherry blossoms. As one of the national flowers, cherry blossoms hold a special place in Japanese culture. Cherry blossoms are the flowers of the cherry blossom tree known in Japan as “sakura”. Although not entirely native to Japan, it is the country where cherry blossoms are revered with rituals called Hanami and are considered an omen of good luck, a symbol of love and affection. , as well as a metaphor for transience. The overall symbolism of cherry blossoms is also interesting beyond its other deeper meanings.

Today, we will delve deeper into the symbolic meaning of the sakura cherry blossom and learn more about its symbolic value.

Meaning of sakura cherry blossoms

Each flower has its own meaning and symbolic value and the sakura cherry blossom is no exception. In particular, sakura cherries have more than one symbolic meaning behind it and they are:

  • The youth

The sakura flower is always associated with the brevity and rapid passing of youth. In the blink of an eye, the best years of our lives pass so quickly that we don’t even know where those days went. This flower is a reminder of the temporary nature of all things, beautiful things do not last too long – as the tiny flowers are only visible on the branches for a short period of time and then disappear. died until the following spring.

  • New member of the family

Sakura cherry blossoms are also known as a symbol of a new member appearing in the family: welcoming a baby. This symbolic value comes from past traditions and many people consider it a beautiful flower that depicts a parent’s happiness and love for his or her child.

  • Spring comes

Sakura cherry blossoms are also a symbol of spring. Year after year, the striking pink color marks the end of the dreary winter months and signifies the long-awaited beginning of spring. This is the first flower to bloom right after winter ends, which is why many people consider it a symbol of rejuvenation and rebirth. Every spring, this beautiful flower covers alleys, walkways and parks with beautiful colors, making people feel joyful and happy for the coming spring. The flowers usually reach the peak of their beauty between March and mid-April, which is the best time for flower viewing festivals.


In Japan , there are more than two hundred varieties of cherry blossoms grown for their beauty and splendor even though they do not bear fruit. Cherry blossoms bloom in spring after a long, cold winter, and it is the simple beauty of the new season that inspired emperors, princesses, artists, poets, and common people of ancient Japan. . Tree branches covered with cherry blossoms leave an impression like a cloud of flowers floating in the sky and then disappearing, metaphorically symbolizing transience. The beauty and symbolism of cherry blossoms is depicted in music and poetry, praising the power and meaning of a moment in nature.


In Japanese culture, cherry blossoms appear from motifs on costumes, paintings, kimonos, robes, greeting cards, to drinking tea from cherry blossoms at weddings and singing traditional songs in honor of them. cherry blossom. Besides, making decorative cherry bark boxes is used to preserve tea, cigarettes and personal items.

The color meaning of sakura cherry blossoms

Besides the usual fragile white and pale pink colors, sakura cherry blossoms also come in yellow and purple with different meanings. Depending on the location you choose to see sakura cherry blossoms during your Japan tour , you will have the opportunity to see flowers in a variety of colors such as:

Pink Cherry Blossoms

Bright pink is the main color of sakura cherry blossoms . There are also dark pink and reddish pink colors. Pink is a symbol of love and romance. Therefore, whoever sees the pink sakura cherry blossom, their soul is immediately filled with a feeling of love and tenderness.











White Cherry Blossoms

White is a symbol of purity , innocence and purity. Although white sakura cherry blossoms do not attract as much attention as pink flowers, they still fascinate us when we admire their rustic white color.






Light Yellow Cherry Blossoms

Yellow symbolizes happiness, joy and positive energy. Yellow is also a symbol of friendship and family connection . Therefore, the opportunity to admire the sakura cherry blossoms with their pale yellow color is definitely a rare opportunity to wish your loved ones a happy new year.



Purple Felt Cherry Blossoms

Purple is a symbol of royalty and fidelity. Sakura cherry blossoms are rarely dark purple but have a purple sheen in pink flowers.



Sakura flower – Deep hidden message

Each flower has its own meaning and symbolic value, but most importantly, hidden deep inside is an implicit message that we all need to listen to in order to apply it to life and make it better. .

Sakura cherry blossoms remind us to pay attention to our emotions and enjoy life’s moments as much as possible. Life is too short to waste, so you should learn how to use your time properly to fulfill all your desires and plans. The only thing you need to do is believe in yourself to live fully.

As a symbol of infancy, rejuvenation and rebirth, this flower is a reminder to never give up hope and to courageously follow our choices.

If you have the opportunity to go on TransViet’s Cherry Blossom Tour to admire the beauty of the cherry blossom season.

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